Collin College

Location: McKinney

Students & Employees

Gender-Based Harassment

Gender-based harassment includes physical, verbal, or nonverbal conduct based on the student’s or employee’s gender, the student’s or employee’s expression of characteristics perceived as stereotypical for the student’s or employee’s gender, or the student’s or employee’s failure to conform to stereotypical notions of masculinity or femininity. For purposes of this policy, gender-based harassment is considered prohibited harassment if the conduct is so severe, pervasive, or objectively offensive that the conduct limits or denies a student’s ability to participate in or benefit from Collin College’s education program or activity.

Examples of gender-based harassment directed against a student or employee, regardless of the student’s or employee’s or the harasser’s actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity, may include offensive jokes, name-calling, slurs, or rumors; physical aggression or assault; threatening or intimidating conduct; or other kinds of aggressive conduct such as theft or damage to property.

Source: PDF page 105

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