Summit Proposals

Texas Transgender Nondiscrimination Scholars

TTNS Priorities: Participation and Practice

Please be sure your workshop incorporates each of the following components:

Selected proposals will be those that best engage conference participants in learning and skills building.
The three core principles are described below.

  1. Participant-Centered:   Trainings that engage participants in every step of the process, utilizing experimental and participatory learning techniques whenever possible (as opposed to just lectures or non-participatory panel presentations).
  2. “Real-World” Practice:  After learning a skill, participants should be given an opportunity to practice it, allowing them to better utilize the skill in the future.
  3. Implementation:   Addressing how to use the information and skills learned to influence policy change and the provisioning of programs.

Topic Areas

The Texas Transgender Nondiscrimination Scholars (TTNS) would like to cover the topics listed below, but if you have additional ideas for a concurrent session, please feel free to submit a proposal explaining the relevance of your suggested topic area.

75 Minute Session

Each proposal should summarize a prepared presentation or training with specific learning objectives. These are teaching/learning sessions in which attendees gain useful information, advice, and technical assistance about a specific topic.

Presenter Responsibilities

If you submit a proposal, you are the “session contact.” Session contacts serve as the communication link between the summit organizing staff and the presenters. Session contacts must advise conference staff of any changes in the presentation. Registrations fees are waived for approved presenters.

The TTNS expects that all scheduled sessions will be presented as described in their proposal and listed in the summit program. Future proposals will be judged in part on whether a previous presentation is delivered as described.

While it is preferred that presenters bring their own laptop, one will be provided if this is not possible; however, all A/V needs must be communicated to the summit staff at least three weeks in advance. Presenters are encouraged to provide attendees with relevant supporting materials, such as fact sheets, articles, and guides. If presenters cannot bring copies of the supporting materials, please submit the document(s) to the TTNS staff via an email attachment or USB drive at least one week in advance of the summit.

Proposal Review

All proposals will be reviewed by a team of TTNS staff and outside experts in the topic area being proposed. Considerations for selection include the relevance of the proposed session to the principles and practice articulated in this document, the depth of content, presenter qualifications/experience with the topic, overall strength of the submission, and proposals that reflect the organization’s commitment to race/sex/class/age/disability/gender identity or expression/sexual orientation representation. The committee will not select proposals for sessions that primarily promote or sell commercial products, or that promote or sell the work produce of an individual presenter. The committee will prioritize proposed sessions that include and reflect the perspectives, needs, and priorities of our diverse communities and movements. TTNS reserves the right to decline to review proposals received after the posted deadline date.

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